Basic Figures (MSRP $8.99)
Wave 3 Torpedo carry over from Wave 2 and Joe Colton Jr. from Wave 1 returns to retail.
Barbeque (Firefighting Adventurer)- Marauders 7pk reissue in classic colors w/AT logo on left sleeve. Classic BBQ equipment in classic colors.
Airtight (Environmental Protection Adventurer)- Renegades reissue w/AT logo on left sleeve. Has all Renegades accessories except for shotgun, dvd Diver baroness heavy water container in color that matches rest of his gear.
Vulcan (Volcano Adventurer- NEW CHARACTER!!!)- Hazard Viper body, new head. Deco would be dark silver suit w/black accents + AT logo on left bicep armor. Gear would be hazard viper helmet but have full compliment of tanks and hoses a la Volcano Viper figure, ROC Arctic SE pick, POC Arctic Destro auger.
Alex "Action" Mann (Extreme Adventurer)- Renegades Duke torso and arms, POC Jungle Duke legs, new head. Deco would be orange shirt w/AT logo on left breast and Action Man logo on left sleeve, dark grey pants, black shoes. Gear would include 25 A Red Star webgear in black, 25A Lady Jaye javelin carrier (in black) w/3 javelin pieces + assembled javelin, 25A Beachhead backpack w/crossbow in black.
Villians Raptor carried forward from Wave 2 and Gnawgahyde from Wave 1 returns to retail.
Cesspool (Evil Polluter!)- POC Techno-Viper body, new head. Deco would be toxic green uniform w/purple, black and silver accents. Gear would be Techno-Viper vest in purple w/black area in center containing purple villian logo, POC Arctic Destro/Hazard Viper water-squirting backpack/hose/gun in black w/ lime green tanks, POC Zombie Viper helmet in clear purple w/black painted areas (only leaving faceplate clear), 25A Iron Grenadier pistol in silver.
Wildfire (Evil Pyromaniac! - NEW CHARACTER!!!)- POC Arctic Destro body, 25A Wild Weasel head w/goggles, alternate 25A/ROC Speed Metal unmasked head. Deco would be red bodysuit with purple armor and helmet (figure will be visual stand-in for Dragonsky!). Gear would be 25A Blowtorch backpack/hose/flamethrower in purple matching the armor.
Pitbull (Evil Dog handler! - NEW CHARACTER!!!)- ROC Heavy Duty (non-armored) body, "Thor" line Volstaagg head. Deco would be blue "denim" pants, light gray shirt. Gear would be ROC Heavy Duty vest in black w/huge purple villian logo on the back, ROC Night Adder dog (2) w/chain leash (2), and shotgun.
Shark (Evil Diver! - NEW CHARACTER!!!)- ROC Flash arms, 25A Moray legs and torso, new head. Deco would be purple wetsuit w/black armor/gloves/belts. Gear would include 25A Eel dive gear (armor,backpack, helmet, hoses, fins, speargun) in black, 25A Moray pistol in black, 25A Torpedo knife in black.
Wave 4
Heroes Alex Mann and Vulcan carry forward from Wave 3, Joe Colton from Wave 1 returns to retail (running change pants color to khaki).
Agent Faces (Master Of Disguise)- POC SE v54 body, new head. Deco would be red sweater, black pants w/AT logo on left thigh. Gear would include Resolute SE harness in black, POC SE pistol w/silencer + knife for holsters, 3 alternate disguise heads (Bludd, Mindbender, Cesspool).
Outback (Survival Adventurer)- Straight reissue of Cobra Island figure. Gear would include POC Jungle Duke backpack (in brown) and flashlight in silver, Resolute Scarlett hunting rifle, ROC MARS Officer knife.
Alpine (Mountain Adventurer)- Reissue of dvd figure in brown and tan deco w/AT logo on left sleeve. Gear would include VvV Alpine rope, ROC Arctic SE grappling hook backpack and pick, modern Blizzard reissue ice shoes in silver (pair).
Villians Cesspool from Wave 3 carry over, Croc Master from Wave 1 returns to retail (Croc Master now in unreleased Python Patrol deco).
Grave Robber (Evil Treasure Hunter! - NEW CHARACTER!!!)- POC Jungle Duke arms/legs, POC Spirit torso, new head. Deco would be very "Indiana Jones"- cream shirt, tan pants, "leather" boots/belt. Gear would include POC Zartan disguise vest in "leather", "Indiana Jones" line fedora in brown, 25A VAMP shovel, 25A Red Star satchel in "leather", ROC Helix machete, 25A Wild Bill pistols (pair).
Zanzibar (Evil River Pirate!)- Dreadnoks 7pk arms/legs/head, POC Spirit torso. Deco would be purple shirt, brown pants, black boots. Gear would include 7pk armor/pistol/sword, 25A 2nd 5pk Shipwreck rifle.
Doctor X (Evil Cyborg!)- ROC Rex "The Doctor" Lewis body (except for right arm), 25A BAT right arm, new head. Deco would be purple bodysuit w/black belts and silver buckles + black outlined villian logo on left breast. Gear would include all three 25A BAT arm attachments + backpack (black), 25A Armored CC rifle.
Firefly (Mad Bomber!)- Retaliation 3pk reissue w/villian logo on left sleeve. Gear would be same as 3pk figure.
Wave 2 Mission Packs (MSRP $5.99)
"Easter Island Encounter!"- "The Evil Poachers are trying to steal an ancient mystical idol from Easter Island! Can the Adventure Team stop them?" ROC Eel spring-loaded launcher (2) and torpedo (2) in yellow w/AT logos on sides, "Indiana Jones" line Easter Island Head relic, 25A VAMP shovels (2), 25A Doc flare gun, 25A Duke binoculars, 25A Stinger AK-47 (2), 25A Mainframe computer in yellow, VvV Crosshairs hat in green, VvV Gung-Ho hat (squared top) in black, 25A Red Star satchel in black.
"High Flying Evil!"- "The Evil Poachers swoop down on the Adventure Team, raining destruction everywhere!" 25A CLAW in black w/purple villian logos on left wing(2), 25A Claw missiles in purple (8), Resolute Cobra Trooper helmet in black (2), POC Dusty goggles in purple (2).
"Copter Rescue!"- "The Adventure Team rushes to the aid of stranded hikers surrounded by wolves high in the mountains!" 25A Specialist Trakker helicopter backpack in yellow w/ second control arm in place of the little gun (2), 25A Doc satchel in yellow (2), Retaliation Mouse para helmet in black (2), 25A Doc flaregun, 25A SE Timber in brown and gray deco (2), POC SE articulated Timber in brown and gray deco.
"Bomb Disposal Danger!"- "Firefly has planted bombs in the cavern the Adventure Team is exploring! Can the Adventure Team defuse them all before they are sealed underground forever?" Renegades Duke vest in yellow w/AT logo in center of chest (2), ROC Pit Commando SWAT helmet in yellow w/clear faceplate (2), ROC Tripwire/Renegades Tunnel Rat robot in yellow w/black wheels, Resolute 3pk Firefly bombs (8), POC Firefly backpack bombs (4), ROC laptop in yellow, 25A Comic Pack Firefly backpack in yellow w/all removable gear, 25A Tripwire backpack in yellow w/mines + scanner.
"Villian Arsenal!"- "The Evil Poachers stockpile all manner of weapons and devices to cause mayhem across the globe!" Retaliation raft locker in black w/purple villian logo, 25A Vamp AK-47 (2), Resolute Scarlett hunting rifle, 25A Wild Bill revolvers (4), ROC Helix machetes (2), Retaliation 3pk Firefly bombs (2), 25A dvd radioactive SE cannisters (2), ROC The Doctor case in black w/cannisters cast in clear orange w/black handle caps, 25A Cobra Trooper Dragnuv, POC Lowlight rifle w/all parts + case, ROC MARS Officer knives (2), ROC laptop in black w/villian logo on lid, 25A Mainframe computer in black.
"Adventure Team Gear!- "The Adventure team has all of the tools they need to right wrongs and rescue the innocent all across the globe!" Retaliation raft locker in yellow w/AT logo on lid, 25A Duke binoculars (2), 25A Red Star webgear in olive drab, 25A Wild Bill pistols (2), ROC Pit Commando hat in khaki (2), ROC laptop in yellow w/AT logo on lid, Resolute Scarlett hunting rifle (2), 25A Doc satchel in yellow, 25A og13 knives (2), 25A og 13 sidearm pistols (2), 25A og13 webgear in yellow, 25A Scarlett crossbow, POC Shadow Tracker bow/arrow/quiver, POC Jungle Duke flashlights (2).
Basic Vehicles (MSRP $12.99) No Drivers to keep costs down
Gator- 25A Water Moccasin in black w/villian logo on sides of hull.
"Ski Patrol!"- ROC "Now + Then" Polar Battle Bear in yellow w/AT logo on hood. Comes with 2 sets of 25A Snow Job backpack/skis/poles in yellow and 2 POC Recondo wrapped rifles to make up for small size.
Talon- ROC Firebat in black w/purple villian logos on wings. Purple bombs/missiles, clear purple canopy.
"Motorbike Showdown!"- 25A Silver Mirage in yellow w/red accents and AT logo on front. ROC Snarler Cycle in black w/purple accents and villian logo on both sides of gas tank.Comes w/ 2 POC Shocktrooper helmets (1 yellow, 1 black).
Deluxe Vehicle (MSRP $17.99)
The Eagle- POC Black Dragon in yellow w/AT logos on sides. Red bombs and guns.
Store Exclusive Boxed Sets (MSRP $14.99)
"Secret Mission To Spy Island!" (Target)- Resolute raft in black w/AT logos on sides. Includes "Night Landing" Shipwreck- POC SE 54 body, ROC Shipwreck head. Gear would include POC SE pistol w/silencer + knife.
"Strange Science!" (Walmart)- 25A Weather Dominator + complete MASS Device reissues. Gear would include all 3 element cubes w/cart, 3 full element cannisters.
Store Exclusive Deluxe Boxed Set (MSRP $24.99) "Mission: Brazil!" (Toys R Us)- Joe Colton - deco resembles SMB Mainframe, Outback- deco resembles SMB Leatherneck, Torpedo- deco resembles SMB Wetsuit, Jane Colton- deco resembles SMB Dialtone. Figures all come with original gear color coordinated to their new decos.
Exclusive to set- Claymore- 25A Viper torso, 25A Disguise Flint arms, 25A Snow Job legs, new head (possibly Club head if available). Deco resembles original. Gear includes POC Dusty helmet + goggles, 25A Tele-Viper vest, 25A Gung-Ho backpack, POC Shocktrooper smg.
SDCC Exclusive Boxed Set (MSRP $29.99)
"Night Of The Zombies!"- "Dr. Mindbender has unleashed a horde of the living dead on a small rural community! It's up to the Adventure Team to put these monsters back in the ground!"
Joe Colton- Resolute Duke legs w/holster from regular carded Wave 1 Joe, POC Jungle Duke torso, ROC Flash arms, Joe head. Deco is brown pants, green shirt, gray armor, black boots/gloves/belts/straps. Gear would be ROC Night Adder shotgun, standard Joe sidearm for holster, 25A Barbeque axe, ROC Pit Commando body armor in gray w/AT logo in center of chest, ROC Pit Commando SWAT helmet in gray w/clear faceplate.
Jane Colton- ROC Helix body, Jane head. Deco would be tan bodysuit w/AT logo on left sleeve, gray armored bits, black belts/straps/boots/gloves. Gear would include ROC Pit Commando G-36, ROC Helix machete, ROC General Hawk chest holster w/standard Joe sidearm.
Concept Case Zombie Soldier (2) would be just as was seen in case
Concept Case Biohazard Zombie- would be just as was seen in case but in Hazard Viper colors.
Zombie Viper reissue (2)- POC Zombie Ziper (no vine arms/harness/helmet/etc.) 1 redeco'd to have gray tattered uniform, 1 redeco'd to have tan tattered uniform (no sigils on either of them)
Zombie- 25A Comic Pack "battle damaged" SE w/Zombie Viper head/lower arms/lower legs. Deco would resemble Soldier Zombies above.
Mail Away Exclusive (free w/6 POPS and $7 s+h)
Joe Colton: Secret Agent!- ROC SDCC suit Destro body, Joe head. Deco would be black suit, yellow tie w/red jewel. Gear would include Resolute Destro briefcase w/smg (in black w/AT logo on lid), POC SE v54 pistol w/silencer.
_________________ Founding Member Of The CSOTC (Customize Something Other Than Clones) Society Visit me on Facebook! me on Twitter: @The_Spectre_DK