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 Post subject: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:37 pm 
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Location: Canada, eh?
In Hasbro's press release at Toyfair, it stated we were getting 10 (at least) vehicles in 2008. The ones we know so far:

Trouble Bubble vs Armadillo
Serpentor's Air Chariot vs RAM
Black HISS
Cobra CLAW is confirmed for 2008
Total: 7

Stinger is confirmed to be coming in 2009, so let's not count it.

Now, assuming that the three Target exclusives don't count (Since they are exclusives) and assuming that the CLAW won't be packaged by itself, we should be getting 3 more vehicles (I hope).

My fearless predictions:

Cobra CLAW w. Scrap Iron vs Skyhawk w. ZAP.
Slugger w. Short Fuze

So my question is what are you're predictions for the next three vehicles?



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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:41 pm 
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I'm going to go on a limb and say Dreadnok trike released with Thrasher (probably a repaint of Buzzer with a new head) or maybe Monkeywrench (...probably a torch repaint with a new head and vest).

And yeah, I'd think the Skyhawk is a safe bet at some point. Let's hope they've either remolded or recovered the mold for the chin guns, though.

Maybe a Ferret w/ Firefly or Storm Shadow?

This is fine.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:46 pm 
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Ferret Seems like a safe bet, as does the sky hawk...

Maybe a rehash of the Ram, skyhawk and VAMP as Dreadnok repaint exclusives...

The Slugger would be nice as would the conquest (easier to make than the sky striker) I would love to see the Mauler, Equalizer or even mobat.


:barbecue: :blastoff: :inferno:

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:51 pm 
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Ooh, I forgot about the Conquest. It would make a great exclusive. As would the Rattler...



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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:53 pm 
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OreoBuilder wrote:
Ooh, I forgot about the Conquest. It would make a great exclusive. As would the Rattler...


Yeah, but I'm guessing it'll be awhile before we start seeing the larger vehicles.

....and at some point, I'd love to see them rerelease the DTC HISS, but with proper cannons instead of missile launchers. And maybe use the version with the closed back that was seen as a prototype online.

This is fine.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:20 pm 
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MobileBattleBunker wrote:
I would love to see the Mauler, Equalizer or even mobat.


Well we know the Mauler is out since the mold is broke unless Hasbro pays to fix it since MC wouldn't. :rant:
Trouble Bubble comes with Tele viper and Armadillo comes with Steeler.
We chatted about this in chat just yesterday about what other vehicles we'd like to see come out. Conquest w/Slip Stream was what I listed as since its been seen pretty recently. Another was the Snow Cat maybe with Frostbite. Another I thought about was the Dragonfly and the Warthog.

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[DESTRIN 41016] 2:29 pm: theyre comfortable
[DESTRIN 41016] 2:32 pm: thonnnngs.
[DESTRIN 41016] 2:34 pm: im wearing them right now lol
[DESTRIN 41016] 2:33 pm: i wear girl jeans. i have some girl hoodies also I wear.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:56 pm 
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Wouldn't be surprised to see the Snow Cat at some point. It's in a size range they can do, and arctic vehicles tend to be popular (says the guy in Arizona...) :roll:

I'd be VERY surprised to see the DTC HISS tank, since they clearanced the last of those, and probably don't regard it as a success. Shame, too. Coolest HISS ever.

I'd be almost as surprised to see anything as large as the aircraft, such as the Conquest or the Rattler. I think Hasbro's not going to want to release anything TOO massive in this line vehicle wise. Technically, we're out of the 25th Anniversary Year, and you know Hasbro's already well planning the movie line. Now, it's conceivable that some of the larger existing vehicles might turn up in that, but that'll be next year.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:15 pm 

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I think since the Dragonfly would need massive re-engineering (beyond retooling, that cockpit is too narrow), it's probably out.

The Warthog is a little too late a release (the vehicles and figs seem focused on the pre-87 era).

Good bets are the Snowcat with Frostbite and the Slugger with whomever (Zap?).

The Mauler's too big for their pricepoint, but I could see Hasbro retooling it for the line, perhaps as an exclusive.

For a small Joe vehicle to pack-in with the CLAW, I think the Skyhawk, the Polar Battle Bear, or the Devilfish would be good fits.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:21 am 
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I'd like to see a Devil-fish with Wet-Suit. A Skyhawk would be awesome as well. With the release of the VAMP, maybe a Whirlwind. As a kid, I didn't have many of the larger vehicles so these got a lot of play action.

Looking for 2 Retalitation Night-Vipers and multiple MU Professor X's. Help if you can.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:16 am 
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If we're not counting the Target vehicles in this then I'd have to say the following would be most likely:

Whirlwind w/ Zap (the last version that was released with the retooled VAMP, it would make sense and work well with the direction of the line so far)

Skyhawk w/ Duke (come on, like they're NOT going to release Duke again in this line? whatever figure they release with it we know they're willing to retool parts like they did with the HISS and AWE running boards so the chin guns aren't a big deal)

Snowcat w/ Frostbite (this vehicle has a lot of parts compared to the others released so far but I can see it being done provided they didn't screw up the mold when they did the Sound Attack version)

I definitely can see them doing the Ferret possibly packed with the CLAW in place of the Snowcat but I'd count it as one release since the CLAW is mostly an oversized accessory than an actual vehicle (at least my modern standards, like the Deluxe SW figures) I'd see them most likely throwing in repainted Cobra Troopers though instead of unique characters. They'd sell better that way.

As much as I'd love to see a big vehicle like the Conquest released, I don't see it happening until after the movie line is done IF the line sells well.

I'm pretty sure it's :robocopgun:

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:07 am 
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Not to be a pain by restating but If they re colored the VAMP and /or either the Sky Hawk or Ram for D-nok purposes I would be a super happy camper

:barbecue: :blastoff: :inferno:

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:36 am 
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I have a Hunch, the vehicles in 09' are gonna consist of new molds, or major re-tooled vintage molds.

either way, I sense a Redo of the Skystriker as a F22.
why do you ask? simple... what else is gonna be in the Joe movie other then a F22 or 35?

and you know they wont waste a mold on a Jet, if they are gonna be releasing one for the movie.

just hopefullness, as i dont see anything but the same stuff being released thats came out in the last few years. I like the Stinger, but im done with Sluggers,Snowcats,Rattlers,Mobats,Warthogs,Conquest's...
lets get some new machinery in HUH! how about a FANG, or a Firebat.
Maybe a Havoc? how about a Liquidator lol!

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:25 am 
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jollyroger wrote:
I have a Hunch, the vehicles in 09' are gonna consist of new molds, or major re-tooled vintage molds.

either way, I sense a Redo of the Skystriker as a F22.
why do you ask? simple... what else is gonna be in the Joe movie other then a F22 or 35?

and you know they wont waste a mold on a Jet, if they are gonna be releasing one for the movie.

I think they'd be more likely to roll out the Thunderwing mold again (hopefully minus some of the electronics that made it so expensive), which is essentially an F-22. It would be cheaper than retooling the Skystrike mold.

This is fine.

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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:25 am 
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What do you think about a 3-pack with a White, Blue and Red S.N.A.K.E. ? That would be so coooool!!! 8-O

And small playset: Bivouac? :-P



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 Post subject: Re: Let's talk vehicles...Series 2
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:16 am 
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Since they gave us an IG Blade Destro I wonder if the Despoiler might be on the maybe list since it's fairly small and they seem to like the small to medium vechiles right now. Provided of course that Hasbro still has the mold.

Maybe the FANG if they ever got that mold back from India since Hasbro has been doing a few tweaks to get the new figures to fit the classic stuff.

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