Stopped at TRU after work and was surprised to see the wave 1 '07 visored Snake-Eyes and the v2 style Storm Shadow on the pegs. I figured they'd found someone's stash, and since I'd been wanting them for parts I picked 'em up. Something made me look closer though, and I realized that SE had the corrected crotch . . .
and that the other Joes on the shelf had the new 2-peg stands . . .
So I snagged what they had. They also had a Trooper, a hooded CC, a Serpentor and a Scarlett on the pegs, but there's no way to know whether this was old stock (which is my guess) or were shipping with the new variations. I compared the backer cards on these to my old ones, and couldn't find any differences there. The SE fix is easy to spot, and you can just look through the side of the bubble to see if they have two-pegs on the stand or not, so they're not tough to notice if you're looking. Dunno if anyone else cares, but I had to grab 'em just for the 2-peg stands, they're simply worlds better than the one peggers. I'm just curious what else is packed in with these three, whether it's simply more reissues of existing figures, or if there's more variants to be had?