Cobra Geneticist

by UK Mark

Parts used:

Head: Gnawgahyde
Torso: Annihilator
Arms: Targat (left), Thrasher (right)
Waist: Mindbender
Legs: Serpentor

Real Name: Classified
PMF: Cobra Geneticist
SMF: Scientific Research
Birthplace: Cloned body

As a young man Dr. Mindbender was the type of boy girls could take home to meet Mom, he was quiet, kind, funny and caring. It's quite ironic that as Cobra's Head Geneticist he is now feared by just about every male and female of Cobra, and he loves it!

Evil doesn't even begin to describe Mindbender, his verson of "fun" is dissecting a human body (preferably while still alive) like a child would a fly, probing, enhancing and reprogramming it with his latest bio-mech science. There are rumours that he is the original Dr. Mindbender that served under Cobra over 200 years ago by cheating death through the use of bio-mech enhancments and cloning, although any proof to this claim has resulted in a deadend and several people dying under mysterious circumstances.

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