Nuclear Equipped Battle Android Trooper
by Porkchop

Parts used:

Head: ’91 Sludge-Viper
Torso: '91 Sludge-Viper
Arms: '91 Sludge-Viper
Waist: '91 Flint
Legs: '88 Avalanche

PMF: Infantry
SMF: Recon

N.E.B.A.T.s are the latest advancement in Cobra Corp. artificial intelligence. They are equipped with a micro fusion generator implanted the their chest, which gives them an unlimited operational life. The armor is a titanium alloy that is impervious to almost all types of attack. N.E.B.A.T.s also have an extensive communications array available to them, so that they can transmit images and data collected directly back to Cobra Corp.

These new troopers are uploaded with data collected from every previous battle and engagement that Cobra Corp. has been involved in. Which in turn almost makes them impossible to ambush and defeat. There is however one downfall to all of this technology. They are very expensive to produce, and are hardly ever used in combat. Instead they are used almost exclusively as intelligence gathering devices, going into areas deemed to dangerous to normal Cobra Corp. troops.

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