Crimson Guard Commander

by Chris Rabenberg

Parts used:

Head, Arms, and Legs: Crimson Guard Immortal
Torso and Waist: Crimson Guard Commander

Real Name: Frederic W. Collins
PMF: Undercover Espionage
SMF: Tactical Assault
Birthplace: Cobra Sector 1132 (formerly known as Arizona)

Fred Collins started at the bottom of the Cobra Inc ladder, and quickly made it to the elite status of Crimson Guard, making him the youngest to ever take the title. His high success rate on infiltration operations gained him notoriety in the Corporate hirearchy, he was the first choice when the needed a spokesman. Although mainly used strictly as a corporate figurehead, he has been called upon to defend outposts from Wasteland rebels. He has been outfitted with strength-enhancing armor, he carries a 5,56 mm Mini-gatling gun, and an experimental Cobra Inc FANG EM* Velocity cannon.

"Crimson Guards are the Highest-ranking soldiers in the Cobra Inc Army. Nearly everyone in Cobra Inc wants to become part of this elite guard, from Corp-sec Stormtroopers to the lowliest Janitor. It takes years of ladder-climbing to get to this point. Siege got their the quickest, making him the poster boy for Cobra Inc's Public Relations campaign, stating that His ambition to rise the ranks makes him epitomize even more so human emotion within the corporation."

Additional: Back in the old days of Cobra, there was a "FRED" series of Crimson guards, all of whom had identical faces due to plastic surgery, one of them was a man named Wade Collins. However it Remains to be seen if Siege is descended from any former Crimson Guards.

* Electro Magnetic

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