Defensive Trooper; Heavy Weapons Specialist
by General Hawk

Parts used:

Head: Wet Suit ’86
Torso: Night Creeper ’98
Arms: Barricade ’93
Waist: One of the twins
Legs: Barricade ’93
Weapon: Battle Corps version of Rock Viper’s rifle

The Cobra S.H.O.C. (S.uper H.eavy O.rdinance, C.rimson) is the last line of defense before the CobraCorps hierarchy. They are the Cobra not-so Secret Service, if you will. Wherever the Commander, Mindbender, or any other of the Cobra higher ups go, these guys are not far behind.

The S.H.O.C.s are designed and equipped to be walking bullet-stoppers. They wear quadruple-layer titanium alloy poly-armor with a ballistic Kevlar bodysuit underneath. Their helmets are designed to give them good vision in any visibility as well as allowing them to withstand direct chemical attacks and even survive underwater for a limited amount of time.

From the files of Redwolf: “The S.H.O.C. Troopers are very strong and powerful, like the bear. But even the largest and most powerful bear can be taken down by a group of hungry wolves. We are those wolves.”

Cobra S.H.O.C. in action Cobra S.H.O.C. in action

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