Real Name:
Deluca, Norris J.
PMF: Law Enforcement
SMF: Special Weapons And Tactics
Birthplace: Las Vegas, NV
Born and
raised on Vegas's mean streets, Norris Deluca started his Career in
militaristic police enforcement by beating down classmates who he saw
chewing gum or shooting spitwads in class, as a hall monitor anyone
who wanted to stay healthy was in class on time, in high school he would
ram off anyone he saw speeding off the road. Quickly enlisted in the
Enforcers after graduation, outstanding perpatrator aprehension record
and overall conduct on the streets soon got him promoted to the rank
of Luitennant. Wears standard issue Enforcer Neo-Kevlar Bodysuit and
helmet with vision enhancement visor. Qualified for use of all Enforcer
weapons, but normally armed with a Thermal Targeting sub-machinegun
with silencer, and rapid fire dual-setting Laser Rifle.
he walks down the street, people scatter. He only received the moniker
Razorback because noone would dare refer to him as a PIG. This guy is
one of the Top Enforcers in Vegas, and he didn't receive that honor
by playing the "Good Cop". There isn't a man alive who has gone up against
this guy and walked away unscathed. Once he has his sights set on a
Perp, he will not stop until the guy is behind bars or six feet under,
and he doesn't care wich."